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Advance Tip Jar Board Multi-Function Log-In/Log-Off Model A -B-C- V 1.3

Advance Tip Jar Board Multi-Function Log-In/Log-Off Model A -B-C- V 1.3



★ A Tip Jar Login e Logoff PERFECT AND EDITABLE.

★ Super Promozione - 3 TIP Jar BOARD 189L$

★ 3 Size - S - M - L (If you want, you can request a measurement that you like without paying any extra charge.)


★ To correctly configure the notecard you do not have to do anything other than follow the instructions below:

1) Line 1: The amounts that you can modify are shown, not exceeding the number shown. Remember to separate them with a comma and a space

2) Line 2: The percentage that will go to the recipient of the money who logged in is shown. You can enter a value from 0-100.

3) Line 3: The time in seconds in which the Tip Jar disconnects if the avatar moves away or dislocates is shown

4) Line 4: This line shows the indication group to enable claim Jar donation or nothing to set it to everyone.

★ Super Dollar 5 sec. Poof.

★ The donation with name and amount is automatically written in Local Chat and above the Board..

★ The Board shows the total donations and the amount of the person who logs in. Once the avatar logs out, the amount earned is shown.

★ Every information will be clear, precise and efficient in this fantastic TIP JAR BOARD

★★★ The Board hides a fantastic secret that makes it unique. By clicking on the button at the top right, you can change the diffusion of the ambient light in many fantastic colors with an easy and practical menu.

- There are many TIP JAR Boards on Secondlife but this one is unique and will not disappoint. Money Back Guarantee.


★ Once you have done the Rez of the Board you absolutely must give the Grant Permissions to allow the object to be able to pay. The grant permissions popup appears at the top right and you must authorize.

★ The boards will be updated with increasingly advanced and improved versions.

★The script is of absolute and exclusive my creation.

- IMPORTANT: Every time you do a rez of the product it is advisable to do a reset script in the content of the object. A tip because it can happen that for reasons of failed rebake of the Sim there are errors or collapses script in your area.



All the products in the store are my creation so you can ask for a copy even if the redelivery is disabled.

For any questions or information contact me.


  • Advance Tip Jar Board Multi-Function Log-In Model A -B-C- V 1.3