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Aelin Winged Demon - Yellow/Black

Aelin Winged Demon - Yellow/Black

Aelin, a demon of lust a desire. Sexy, seductive, and savage.

Includes Bodysuit, Heel Boots, Mask, & Demon Wings (Static & Animated)

Comes with 8 preset color that you can mix in 15 facings. Or use the Custom Color to create you own.

Works w/ Maitreya Lara X, Legacy, Legacy Bombshell, Ebody Reborn, & Ebody Reborn Waifus.

Mask is NonRigged & Modify for easy fit.

Wings are NonRigged. Come in Animated & Static versions. The Animated wings will change mods as you Hover or Fly.

- Resizer versions of Wings & mask included.

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