Avatar Agent Smith
Does not work with other clothes, clothes are not removed
- Mesh 100%
- Avatar
Decent price.... but....
As opposed to some of the other avatars from the creator this one misses the mark. Looks too weird... and not in a good way.
Very good avatar
I'm happy of my smith agent.. his shoes are "strange" but it's good anyway and low price.
copy and mod confirmed
Thanks !
You get what you paid for
The overall avatar is pretty good seeing as how you KNOW it's Agent Smith because it LOOKS like Agent Smith. That being said, this avatar has extremely long arms that make him look partly gorilla or partly like the "I wonder where the fish did go" character in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
To Large, Shoes dont match
If it was smaller and had proper shoes, it would be great. Buts its not. Shoes look like crap. Want my money back or an updated product.