I got tired of copy-paste each UUID just to make a clothing applier, for each mesh body, so I made this script.
It prints the formatted text of applier notecards for:
Omega no materials; Slink; Belleza; Maitreya; Kitties Lair Lena
Right now it works for a dress, a blouse with long sleeves or pants (layers: clothing, gloves and skirt where possible-KL Lena).
If no texture is given for the lower part, it should work OK for a blouse.
* Rez a prim (cube).
* Drop the script inside.
* Texture face 0 with the upper part of the dress. Add normal/specular if necessary.
* Texture face 4 with the lower part of the dress. Add normal/specular if necessary.
* Touch the prim, it will print the data as needed.
* Copy each part into a notecard (for mesh bodies) or script (for Omega).