This ship is a "fantasy-steampunk" airship, consisting of a double-walled over-pressured gasbag filled with hydrogen, kept
filled with the help of our patented "Cyclic-Reciprocating Centrifugal-Force Steam Turbine" system. And steered with a combination of "Auto-Rig" sails and dual "Overthruster VII" class steam-jet pushers that provide stability and rudder steerage.
With hot hydrogen being a tad volatile, we thought it prudent to armor various parts of the airship, while striving to maintain the weight-to-lift ratio vital to aerostatic flight. Then we thought, "What the hey!" and added armament in the form of our TCA "Experimental 215mm bore Steam-Cannon", firing your standard, explosive iron shell. (And it hardly ever misfires and explodes!...Honest!)
As such, it was tweaked to allow reasonable sim-crossing without much lag and avoiding that nasty tendency of SL vehicles to drop off the grid at sim-lines. It gains speed slowly, with just light taps on the directional keys needed to maintain velocity. If the keys are held down, it gradually accelerates to a fair clip, and may take some time to loose momentum and slow down again. (Steer with WASD or arrow-keys.) To keep your gasbag hot, and maintain your altitude or climb, just tap the "Page-Up" key. And, of course, to lose altitude, open the relief valves with the "Page-Down" key.
And, she floats!..If you land in the water, she will only submerge up to her keel, and "hydroplane" along with her stabilizer fins!
(NOTE: Due to some scripts and cannon-ammo, shows as No-Mod in inventory..Ignore that, rezz it, and mod anyway!)
She's large enough for impressing your fellow sky-sailors but small enought to fit on a 512m parcel, and only takes 49 prim of space! Plus, with the ability for avatars to walk her decks while she's in motion, she's very fun to crew!
( If you have any technical questions, please contact Tobias (CatMow) inworld, and he will be happy to help! )
- Only 50 LI when parked! (195 LI in flight as vehicle.)
- Physical flight! Crew can walk on it in motion!
- Crew pose-spots and animations for 8 avatars!
- Moddable for added fun! - Customize your ship!
- SPD combat compatible! - Burns when damaged and destroyed!