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~Albion~ Christmas Graphophone v1.2

~Albion~ Christmas Graphophone v1.2

Listen to the voices of Christmas past with this special edition of the Columbia Graphophone!

-Columbia Graphophone Christmas Edition-

This Graphophone is typical of the Columbia "A" series machines sold from the mid-1890s through the Edwardian period. On this special "Christmas Edition" of the Graphophone, all the songs are period Christmas songs and carols originally recorded on cylinder records of the time. English, French and German Christmas songs are all represented. A version of "Auld Lang Syne" is also provided for New Year celebrations. The following songs are included:

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem
The First Nowell
O Tannenbaum
Cantique de Noël
God Rest You, Merry Gentlemen
Nutcracker Ballet - Chinese Dance & Dance of the Mirlitons
Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht
Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Joy to the World
Come and Spend Christmas with Me
Auld Lang Syne


Simply rez the Graphophone and position it where you wish. To play, touch the Graphophone cylinder on the machine and select the title you desire from the drop-down menu. The machine will shut itself off automatically after the cylinder is finished; you can also press "stop play" if you wish to stop a cylinder while it is still playing. Modifiable, copyable, cylinder records and containers are also included with the Graphophone, feel free to place them near the machine although they are not necessary for its operation.

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Please direct any questions, comments or concerns to Mr. Ernst Osterham, President. Albion Importers Limited desires every customer to be a satisfied customer.

"As submitted for the 2009 WINTERFEST SPOTLIGHT"

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