Alert Lamp System (VOY)
The Alert lamp systems were orginally made for a sickbay project I did for Galaxy sim's holodeck.
They have become so popular, I've decided to put them up for sale on my vendors :) The Alert Lamp
Systems cover Voyager and Enterprise, but I don't make any warranty to their acccuracy, and appreciate
any advice or corrections offered. Anyhow, both systems have the Following Alerts on them:
-Alert Lamp System voice Commands:---------------------------
Red Alert: 'red alert' 'battle stations'
Yellow Alert: 'yellow alert'
Blue Alert (Landing the ship): 'blue alert'
Abandon Ship: 'abandon ship' 'evacuate ship'
Mute alert sound: 'computer mute alert'
UnMute alert sound: 'computer unmute alert'
Cancel any alert: 'cancel alert' 'stand down', 'condition green'
As I've left the prims MOD and COPYABLE, the Alert Lamp Systems are non-transferable, so don't
expect refunds please, they are sold AS IS.
To add lamps to the system, simply link them to the main prim you bought, and they will change color with
the Alert Lamp System prim, make sure to always select the Alert Lamp System Prim last.
- Voice controlled
- Sound FX
- Visual FX
All the commands that are needed
However some advice that you DO NOT link this to a ship, item or other builds. It will cause them to flash with the alert system. And once it happens there is no fixing it. The texture on the build remains the last alert color used. One other thing is linking the alert system together. The only prim to alert is the one with-in chat distance. If you want to place other alert lamps around they will not sound off just blink. Also if you make a chat command near any of the lamps that prim will sound off and the other just blink. So if you are in another part of your ship it will not turn off. You have to go to that alert prim to use the chat commands. Keep that in mind and you'll have an okay alert system.
Great, However
Very nice alert system, however, don't link it with your ship because it will turn the textures of it to match the alert prim lol.
L$ 49
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed