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Alice & Flamingo Strider Teegle copy animesh strider rezzer box

Alice & Flamingo Strider Teegle copy animesh strider rezzer box
Alice & Flamingo Strider Teegle copy animesh strider rezzer box
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Alice and Flamingo Strider Teegle copy animesh strider rezzer has no birds you have to supply your own Copy Teegle pet Animesh strider. rezz pet of choice give short name or nothing will rezz. While rezzed set strider set driver perms to public and then only then turn to temp rezz and quickly pick up horse and put in rezzer. Now bird will rezz and clean up after themselve when not used

L$ 100

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Enchantment Store
Sold by: Ethereal Enchantment

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This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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