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Ammonite Manor Set

Ammonite Manor Set

"....We stood on the Manor's Balcony, the sunset fiery on the horizon and the smell of sea and brine blowing in the breeze around us. The ancient building seemed, as the Water Temple, to have risen from the sea's green depths, and the fossilized ammonites on the walls whispered of long forgotten marine secrets..."

The Rise of the Triton
The Apprentices Journal


All contents are copy/mod/no trans, but scripts which are copy only

Rez Anchors:

The Ammonite Manor is designed to work well above, bellow water level or partially submerged. For bellow water level just delete the fountains and pond sections. For partially submerged layout, delete the pond sections and adjust the ammonite fountains to match your desired position once you have adjusted the height through the rez anchor.

The columns, arches, column bases and most other mesh segments are custom made and are uv mapped to not require a specific skin. Also, they have several "faces", which means you can change, for example, the outer texture of a column without changing the inner face. It also means you can even make the inner body, for example, full bright, glow, or any change you want to! This makes for an outstanding potential for modifications if you feel like it.

The buildings are mostly composed of custom made, high quality mesh, with a few details on sculpts where there was
no advantage of using a complex mesh for detail which would only increase the prim count due to size or complexity.

All versions are designed to easily remove extra details; like the wall carvings, the entrance side ponds, the
ammonite snail fountains, the decorative window sculpted swirls, the jellyfish chandelabra, and the niche optional planter.

[CC] Ammonite Manor, Original Size-Full Setup: Includes Side Wing Balconies
Footprint: 40x62 meters PrimCount at Rez Size: 290 prim.eq. PrimCount w/o Details:232 prim.eq.

[CC] Ammonite Manor, Original Size-Basic Setup: No Side Wing Balconies
Footprint: 40x42 meters PrimCount at Rez Size: 236 prim.eq. PrimCount w/o Details:156 prim.eq.

[CC] Extra: Balconies, Original Size. -Contains ONLY the Side Balconies included in the Full Setup.
PrimCount at Rez Size:54 prim.eq.

[CC] Extra: Pond Parts, Original Size.- Contains ONLY the entrance Side Ponds sections included in all setups.
PrimCount at Rez Size: 8 prim.eq.

REDUCED SCALE: These Anchors contain the Manor in approximately a 40% Scale reduction, while still being perfectly suitable for normal size avatars.

[CC] Ammonite Manor, Reduced Size-Full Setup: Includes Side Wing Balconies
Footprint: 25x38 meters PrimCount at Rez Size: 246 prim.eq. PrimCount w/o Details:196 prim.eq.

[CC] Ammonite Manor, Reduced Size-Basic Setup: No Side Wing Balconies
Footprint: 25x27 meters PrimCount at Rez Size: 208 prim.eq. PrimCount w/o Details:164 prim.eq.

[CC] Reduced Extra: Balconies-Contains ONLY the Side Balconies included in the Full Setup.
PrimCount at Rez Size:38 prim.eq.

[CC] Reduced Extra: Pond Parts.- Contains ONLY the entrance Side Ponds sections included in all setups.
PrimCount at Rez Size: 8 prim.eq.

PETITE SCALE: These Anchors contain the Manor in "petite" avatar scale.

[CC] Ammonite Manor, Petite Size-Full Setup: Includes Side Wing Balconies
Footprint: 9.25x14.25 meters PrimCount at Rez Size: 242 prim.eq. PrimCount w/o Details:103 prim.eq.

[CC] Ammonite Manor, Petite Size-Basic Setup: No Side Wing Balconies
Footprint: 9.25x10 meters PrimCount at Rez Size: 204 prim.eq. PrimCount w/o Details:164 prim.eq.

[CC] Petite Extra: Balconies -Contains ONLY the Side Balconies included in the Full Setup.
PrimCount at Rez Size:38 prim.eq.

[CC] Petite Extra: Pond Parts.- Contains ONLY the entrance Side Ponds sections included in all setups.
PrimCount at Rez Size: 8 prim.eq.

Other Included:

Seahorse Obelisc (lamp): 6 Prim. Eq.
Ammonite Manor Fountain (lamp, working fountain, splashing water): 15 Prim.Eq.
Seahorse Post-Lamp: 5 Prim.Eq
Ammonite Manor Jellyfish Candelabra (sculpted): 6 Prims
Bonus: Lion Paw Shell Wall Lamps: 2 Prim.Eq

See item in Second Life