Hi, thanks for your interest in my machiya townhouses. Here's some info about them:
Firstly, I need to point out that these are not at all accurate layouts, just something to give the outward appearance of machiya while being big and empty on the inside so as to be more useable in Second Life. I made them to fill up my own region and never actually intended to sell them, but so many people asked me that I eventually gave in o.O;
Secondly, they may show as (no modify) in inventory, but that's because of the door scripts. The actual house itself should be modify. That being said, these are mesh houses made as one piece shells, so you won't be able to pull out individual walls etc. You will, however, be able to adjust doors and windows, and tint the walls. Tinting works quite well on the inner walls of all the houses, and on the outer walls of the "plaster" variations.
There are 3 texture variations included for each house, and 16 different houses, so in this pack there are 48 total house variations in this pack! By buying the pack, you save just under $L800 compared to buying each house separately.
There are 16 variations for sale labeled A through P. Here's a quick summary of what type they are:
Open front store: A, B, C, D, F
-The lattices at the front of these ones are unscripted and do not open or close, they were intended as little open front shops.
Closed with Shoji: E, G
-These have shoji screen/doors at one end. They are scripted to open and close all at once.
Balcony Style: H, I, J, K
-These have a balcony on the back, and no door.
Corner Style: L, M, N
-These have windows and doors on the long side of the house, to be used for corners or the ends of streets.
Double Width: O, P
-These are twice the width of all the others, but still have a front and a back like the open front stores.
Kool Door System
The houses use the Kool Door scripts, which can apparently be upgraded to their roleplay version. I've never done this myself, so I can't really tell you any more, but the info that came with the scripts can be found here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/47415
Rez Demos
If any of these descriptions confuse you, please go and check out the actual houses at my Rez Platform, just go to the "See Item in Second Life" link below.
- Sizes vary from 10m x 20m to 20m x 22m
- 57-122 Land Impact per house
- 3 Texture Variations for each house Included
- Upgradeable Kool Door Scripts
- 100% Original Mesh
Good deal ^^
Others take 4000L$ for one building, i´ve got 48. They´re a bit primy (50-100+ prims each) so not perfect to fill a homestead sim but they look good, they´re easy resizeable, the doors are good scripted (no strange behavior at exotic angles), there are walkable 2nd. floors with stairs and it´s not that difficult to add some inner walls for more rooms. So all in all for me a good deal and worth the 5***** ^^