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Angel Wings V2 bento animated demo

Angel Wings V2 bento animated demo

Angel Animated wings

folded wings and spread anime

folded wings will show when standing or sitting
animated wings open and flap when jumping, flying or hovering
- wings hud
- Angel wings folded (color)
- Angel wings spread (color) animated
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~folded wings and stacic spread

folded wings will show when standing or sitting
wings open when jumping, flying or hovering
-Angel wings folded (color)
-Angel wings spread (color) no anime
no folded wings and spread anime

folded wings will not appear (no wings) when sitting or standing. wings will open and flap when jumping, flying or hovering
- wings hud
-Angel wings folded invisable
-Angel wings spread (color) animated

thank you for your purchase, Enjoy :)

any problems or for custom colors feel free to im me. ill do my best to get back to you.

  • static and animated angel wings demos