Hello, and thank you for shopping at Angelic Visions Antiques.
The Angelic Vanity Sink is a gorgeous wood and porcelain sink of a vintage, antique design. It contains 11 grooming animations, 6 for ladies, 5 for gentlemen, with appropriate items given for the chosen animation, such as a hair brush, a hair dryer, tweezers, razors, a shaving mug and a shaving brush, and an aftershave lotion bottle.
Clicking on the faucet turns running water on and off. Materials enabled with a texture changer in the owners' only restricted menu, there are 4 texture options. Simply activate your viewer's Advanced Lighting Model to see the bump and shine effect.
With a Land Impact of 8 Prims, it comes with modify and copy permissions.
As with all mesh objects, resizing or adding scripts may increase the land impact of the item.
See item in Second Life- Primarily Mesh
- Animations for Male and Female
- Texture Change
- Items Given with Menu Choices
- Materials Enabled