This is an animated body aura for male mesh bodies.
Wearing this aura creates a thin coloured line around your avatar's outline (similar to cell shading). The aura is animated, moving around your body, creating an eye-catching effect. An easy-to-use HUD interface allows you to easily change the colour, animated pattern, glow percentage and animation speed.
Auras are included for the following bodies:
• Slink (Physique, Hourglass)
• Maitreya (Lara, Petite)
• Belleza (Freya, Isis, Venus)
• Selina (Bette, Jenny, Marina)
• Kupra (Original, Low, Bimbo)
• Tweenster
The photos here don't really do this item justice – please see the video link.
Not all of our products are listed on the marketplace – we have many more items in our in-world store (plus group gifts etc). See you there!
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