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Animated Scary Clowns Entryway & Wanderers

Animated Scary Clowns Entryway & Wanderers

Animated Scary Clowns Entryway and 2 Clown wanderers. The entryway has 2 animated clowns that twitch and quiver. Touch them to animate. And a red swirling animated vortex in the mouth of the entryway. Also included are 2 scary clown wanderers. They wander your haunt from 1 to 256 meters. Touch them to activate the menu and to acitvate the animations. Rez and adjust the height so the feet touch the ground, touch to set home, and range from 1 to 256 meters, press Start. Use them to decorate your Halloween and Horror builds. They are copy and modify except for the scripts. Have fun with them!

See item in Second Life