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Animated Zombie Skeletons CV (Box)

Animated Zombie Skeletons CV (Box)

The Animated Zombie Skeleton # 2(COPY VERSION) features our creature menu-driven system, random sound effects and a proximity sensor that triggers a sound effect and the eyes texture change when an avatar approaches.

Our Animated Zombie Skeleton movement is a simple yet powerful menu-driven system, and requires no scripting knowledge or programming. Just rez the Skeleton, wait for the Skeleton to finish reading the default settings notecard and then click on the Skeleton to pop the menu to customize the movement settings.


Our menu driven Skeleton feature smooth, non-physical movement and turning while keeping it within a chosen radius. Fully menu-operated! Start, stop and adjust parameters for movement, including:
> Range
> Home position
> Minimum and maximum speed
> Minimum and maximum move
> Vertical movement on/off
> Stay above home on/off
> Maximum height
> Minimum and maximum vertical move
> Rotation speed
* Set command channel, menu type: basic or advanced, menu info: basic or advanced
* Start, stop and send the item home via chat command or display the menu

This item requires a MESH compatible viewer.

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Please do not hesitate to contact Farthington Whetmore with any concerns or questions you may have.

Please Note: That the Sound effects are NOT menu controlled

  • Unique Design
  • Unique Sound Effects
  • Low Prims