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Animesh Interactive Robots - boxed - androids

Animesh Interactive Robots - boxed - androids

Hi. A box of three animesh interactive robots. Add to worn or Rez versions ! They interact with trigger commands they hear in local chat, or in the case of blue robot A, commands received from the owners robot master hud.

Robot A is operated with an owners Robot Master Hud. Add the hud and add the robot. Robots B and C are fully automated. If they do not hear trigger commands they do stuff randomly at random times, keeping themselves busy.

Add to worn the Robot Master Hud
Add to worn the blue Robot A
He will auto walk and stand when you do. Use the Master Hud to control his other functions

Premium members can add to worn TWO robots. Add to worn, or Rez if non premium, or preferred, Robot B, the red one. He runs automatically and independant of the Hud. He can be controlled by chat command in local chat by anyone who uses a trigger word. The third robot, green Robot C is for rezzing only. Again he runs automatically and independant of the Hud. He can be controlled by chat command in local by anyone who uses a trigger word

If the robots B and C do not receive trigger commands in local chat, said by anyone, they take it upon themselves to trigger a function at random times with random functions.

The anim stands, sits, floats and dances are all different in all 3 robots. Other lesser functions like roll, wave, scratch, kungfu and workout uses the same anims.

Each robot can be named by the owner. Edit > General > Description tab is where you give him his name. (Reset scripts after rename) . After adding or rezzing, right click the robot and use the arrows to position him correctly, taking care to keep his feet out the ground

Robot A is hud operated and receives his commands only from the hud. The interactive robots B, and C, will react to the following command triggers when heard in local chat, said by anyone:


Robots B and C respond to those commands said by any avatar.

There are deliberate timeouts between commanded actions and auto actions so the robots cannot be jerked about and broken by too much input.

Yes copy yes mod for naming and coloring. All content and scripts yes copy only. 30 li rezzed. See / Test inworld using the above commands ! Vid link below.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • yes copy yes mod
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Good Product, but Could be Amazing!
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted February 05, 2023 by Fable Piers

One cannot complain about an almost free animesh robot. First of all, this robot looks good, he or she is wearing a nice shiny suit and they fit my cyberpunk build very well. The animations are freebies ones but they are fine, fit for purpose. There are 3 models: one is for adding to your avatar, one that can attach or rezz, and the third one is only for rezzing. I think if the creator made the script modify with the ability to add animations and to not have the robot break an animation randomly, it would be a far more immersive npc to play with, and thus, the creator could charge more, and this robot would become a favorite one in the inventory. I ended up deleting unwanted animations (the scratch is rude, and the roll is annoying) so that it cycled through the animations I wanted. With a little tweaking, this creator could have a hit on his hands! But there are workarounds...best not to mention a competitor's products in here, which one could link to this build as a 'brain' and take full control of this robot. (Lol). I would like creators' to understand that many of us buy these animesh models to put in our builds as npc, or even to have in our homes as a moving and interactive character in order to give life to our sims/lands. I have many npcs but the ones that stay out of my inventory the longest are the ones that are realistic and I can control and mod fully.

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