What about a fine Oyster’s pizza?
Oysters have a high reputation as an aphrodisiac food because they assume the shape of the female sexual organ, and also have a sensuous texture accredited with sexual stimulation and desire.
Oysters are a healthy food that are rich in phosphorus, iodine and zinc, which is known to increase the sexual health of both men and women. Legend holds that Casanova ate 50 raw oysters every morning with the lady du jour. Chardonnay is a good match with oysters.
Raw oysters -- perhaps it’s the texture, perhaps the flavour -- have long been considered an aphrodisiac. We tried exotic herbs and species on this pizza full with tasteful oysters, MJAM!
Heart shaped pizza, hot, smokey, beautifully boxed, the box opens and closes on touch, delivers hot slices of pizza eatable and the slice detaches itself form your hand after several bites, unique, special, without any doubts the best pizza available on SL!
Yes, pizza, a food that is right up there with cupid’s arrow as a symbolic image to convey love, romance and love. Remember Dean Martin singing, “When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.”
That’s not all. Historically, many of our favourite pizza toppings are known to contain sexual-stimulant properties. Researchers have noted the smell, taste, and even appearance of certain foods, such as pizza, can act as aphrodisiacs.
In a recent study that looked at the stimulation qualities of various aromas, researchers found the smell of cheese pizza increased male romantic interest by five percent.
Tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil, olives, chilli peppers and artichokes are just some of the pizza toppings that, historically, are reputed to have aphrodisiac, love-enhancing properties.
People might not readily associate pizza as being a “food of love,” but the proof is in the ingredients. I guess that’s why a lot of romances have started or been rekindled over a slice of pizza.
People like to think of it as a type of food that puts you in a good mood and a relaxed frame of mind, regardless of the setting and circumstances.
So try one of our pizzas, and then tell us if you enjoyed it as much as we did!!!!
See item in Second Life- Disperses unlimited pizza slices with eating animation
- Enjoy a tasty pizza together
- Box opens/closes on touch
- Slices detach from the hand after a few bites
- Transfer, Gift it!