Note: This is the Version WITHOUT the furniture (sold separately) but WITH all traps and occurences installed.
PLEASE visit the demo complete (furnished version) here
Will it fit? The template is available under Demo.
The old house on the hill. Weird things are said to happen here. Mysterious lights... screams.
The owners daughter, long having suffered with her illness is said to have died.. the cook likes humans - a lot, things move when no one is near... and those old tunnels whispered to run under it?
Do you dare to visit?
This is a huge Haunted House, over 43x40 meters (Template to measure beforehand included),
holding multiple spooky haunts and traps to haunt your visitors, yet has a lot of space to add your own ideas.
Walk up the stone-hewns stairs you are greeted by the ominous porch, an behold the entrance door.
Knocking, noticing the odd pentagrams moving.. and the gargoyle opening the way you enter the main hall.
To the right, one might place a dining room, also lies a back room, to the right Is place for a fireplace,
also a little rondell,and a weird picture. Passing those, a passage to a backroom (a bookcase reveals space
usable for your secret laboratory) and the kitchen (With its unique.. cook), as well as a trapdoor to the
tunnels below.
Standing in the main room, you cant help but notice the broad stairs leading up the upper room. Famous for
the apparition of a skeleton dangling from the ceiling. The gallery going around the main room offers doors
to nearly all rooms of the second floor. It also houses 3 pictures, one opening a trapdoor to catch unwary watchers, the other 3.. do things.
The rightmost door leads to a small red room and then towards the blueish chamber once used as a bathroom.
The mid door leads to the library. A bookstack dosnt seem to stand still, in 2 bookcases one might see a rolling
skull, or books resorted. Another leads to the cooks room, under the stairs.. the 3rd to a secret room, with an ominous sarcophargus...
The left door leads to a room with door to the terrace (theres a ghost outside wandering it, they say), also the weird long room houses another fanged menace - Not visible until its too late...
Taking the door to the roof brings us to the realm of the owners daughter, appearing in 2 places, a glowing light and a glowing skeleton.
Visiting the cellar we find the cooks larder... a cell, with a.. longtime occupant, and the rarely appearing
skeletons of 2 lovers.
This house is up around Halloween on our inworld shop.
A Second life product copyrighted by
Marina Ramer & Jaylin Whitewood
Please visit
- Haunted House
- Halloween Horror
- halloween rooms
- huge home
- Horror House
very awsome spooky
awsome job on this very will done spooky
I have been looking for a haunted house for YEARS and this house is perfect! The room sizes are great to fit all kinds of furniture in (and Heart Homes has so many cool offerings) and the textures are really great -- it is not easy to get textures on walls right but these are! If you are looking for a fun haunted house, get this one, it is well worth the money.
Casa Embrujada
Impresionante casa embrujada con magnificos efectos la decoras a tu gusto ideal para pasar la fiesta de Halloween entre amigos y familiares preciosas texturas excelente trabajo
Nicely done! Love it!
There's so many parts of the house to explore. I wont spoil it for you but you definitely could find new animations and discover scares here and there (ones you didn't find the day before). Very spacious and well textured.
thats the god dam house of horror. its great
The perfect Haunted House!!! Love it!!!
Just the perfect Haunted House for Halloween Time !!! Excelent Job !!! I Love it !!!!