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Aphrodite "princess carriage" interactive baby gym for baby and mom or dad or both parents & babies! For nursery

Aphrodite "princess carriage" interactive baby gym for baby and mom or dad or both parents & babies! For nursery
Aphrodite "princess carriage" interactive baby gym for baby and mom or dad or both parents & babies! For nursery
10 Reviews

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4 LI + 2 LI each toy (6 total)

Baby play gyms are likely THE most versatile baby products out there. And not only can they be used in a variety of ways, they also carry with them several important developmental benefits, they can be used from the day your baby is born all the way until they are crawling (and some babies enjoy them even beyond that stage).

Baby gyms allow your baby to learn the basics of cause and effect. Between about 6 weeks and 4 months, babies engage in something Piaget called “primary circular reactions”. This means they learn to repeat an action that they initially did by chance (such as “accidentally” batting at a toy). Then between about 4-8 months babies begin to intentionally initiate these actions and repeat them because they find them fun! These actions are called “secondary circular reactions”. This skill is important because it is the beginning of logic and the understanding of cause and effect. Baby gyms facilitate this development of the understanding of cause and effect by providing dangling toys and even kick- or pull-activated toys that respond to their actions, encouraging them to interact with them again and again.

Babies are born pretty near sighted, which means objects far away are blurry. They can perceive objects the most clearly when they are about 8-12 inches from their face, and baby gyms are set up perfectly to accommodate for a newborn’s developing visual perceptual skills. Newborn babies prefer and are best able to see faces (so be sure to spend plenty of face-to-face time with your little one!), followed by objects with highly contrasting colors such as black and white. Many baby gyms take this into account by offering mats and dangling toys that have brightly contrasting colors. Babies begin to develop depth perception around 4 months of age (which coincides with the development of those intentional cause/effect actions), allowing them to enjoy their baby gym more as they can see what they are grabbing for when reaching for toys!

Baby gyms as well provides enormous benefits in grasping and reaching skills, gross motor benefits, self-awareness, in sensory stimulation and awareness and In addition to all of the benefits listed above, baby gyms are great because:

◾they are portable and can be easily folded up and taken with you to a friend/family member’s house or on a trip
◾they provide a natural boundary for your baby’s play space if you are in a room where you are concerned he or she may not be noticed on the floor and accidentally bumped into
◾you can customize them by hanging extra links or other toys from another gyms we made, from the arches
◾you can take the gym’s links and toys off and hang them in other places such as from the overhead handle of your baby’s car seat or stroller for use while you are out shopping or going for a walk
◾you can remove the toys from the play gym altogether so your baby can play with them on their own
◾they are fun for babies from newborn through sitting and crawling…even toddlers may find their younger sibling’s baby gym to be entertaining!
◾ and last but not less important, they will allow the mother, the father, any family member or both parents together to share time with the baby always!

This adorable "Princess carriage" Gym comes complete with 6 easy hanging toys the girls Activity Gym offers baby irresistible multi-sensory play at every stage of development. Sounds contained on each one of the movable toys adds extra fun!

You are welcome to click on each toy so your baby see how it moves and hears a sound or a full song to entertain your little girl or boy.

The gym has a total of 53 animations for kids avatars, regular or mesh kid avatar or babies as well (tooddleedoo, totsipop, etc) & also for baby and mum or dad or any family adult member, or parents together, plus 9 props to have fun with.

It even includes a super fun animation of driving a car with a wheel pillow, drive alone or with mom or dad!

You may use this gym with ANY prim baby in SL (such as Zooby, Tatu, Latino, any) But please note that your baby wont be moved by the gym, a prim baby cant play animations or will change baby stats (script). You may still sit your prim baby rezzing it on the gym or wearing it in your arms and play all movements and sounds for him or her and share time together as well. Please watch our video! to see how this works.

As addition this gym also includes a full puppets show with a puppets theater! The castle theater that rezzes is only 0.5 LI!

Share time with your newborn baby or frown up baby everyday and make activities together always!

Have fun and see also our other gyms with extra different fun! (gyms toys are exchangeable between gyms)

♥♥♥♥Please Rate/review this product we will truly appreciate it!!!♥♥♥♥

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  • baby mat
  • baby placemat
  • baby gym
  • baby toy
  • baby bed
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i love this
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 11, 2019 by 2Loved

this item is great and I hope to see much more like it from this creator. I love that its colorful and works with toddleedoo avatars and hopefully in the future there maybe a full bedroom set. I roleplay a toddleedoo avatar and me and my family love to roleplay with this and the pose animations are so cute

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Wonderful Item!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 05, 2018 by ShayKaior

I bought this item for my daughter and we both loved it. The animations are too cute! i highly recommend

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L$ 1,250

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<Aphrodite Shop>
Sold by: Marina Ramer

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