Lovely Clogs, very informal, with ankle bracelets adorned with wood pellets
Available in 5 colors and fat pack
not rigged
hud to change skin color
base Mod
resize mode whit mesh shoes
alpha layer
I love it!!
Perfect for casual looks in spring or summer, I love the ankle bracelets.
They look awesome in my feet *.*. Really, good job, i love the way it fits and the HUD is so easy to use :D
great shoes
great summer shoes with hud closely match all kinds of skin for any of your dress inprescindible
arisaris walk in clogs brown
I love this shoes...nice and great idea the bracelets...originals!!!
great clogs!
it's dificult to find good clogs,I love them.
Fashion on feet!
Modern and mesh shoes made of delicated y high quality textures, according to last and next summer fashion. Hud included for changing skin colour and posestand to make eassier to adjust to your avi.