100% Mesh
Snow House
Detachable parts ; 1Show house ,2 cat
4Uv map texture
High Quality Super Lods
This Product is prohibited to resell as a standalone product or with Full Permission.
★ In addition, from now on the minimum selling price for items made with resources texture packs cannot go below
Distribute this product PART OF YOUR CREATIONS.
Distribute this product "copy mod / no transfer" or "transfer / no copy no mod".
Condition: not to sell the full perm!!!
not to transfer full perm!!!
★ Any bad use of the content of this box will be reported to Linden Labs about TOS infringement.
Write unbiased reviews.
★ You can always contact me if there is a problem. I will help right away as soon as I'm online
If you need any help feel free to IM YellowCatMiya or send a NC
Art Studio
Finest quality mesh, very reasonable prices and great customer service makes this an easy 5 stars!
this was so a MUST HAVE
details are great!
easily resized
just can't say enough that it was not a waste of a purchase.
thank you so much this will complete nicely any Xmas scene
This was so cute, I exploded...
Should come with an adorable warning. Awoooga! This is a bargain and super cute. Beware :)
In all seriousness, this is lovely. Thank you so much. I can't wait to use this in my builds.