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Art Studio.FULL PERM \\ 5 Different Rose Packs

Art Studio.FULL PERM \\ 5 Different Rose Packs
Art Studio.FULL PERM \\ 5 Different Rose Packs
1 Review

▶100% MESH
▶Full Permission
▶5 Different Rose Packs

★Normal maps
★Diffuse maps
★Ao maps
★Specular maps
★4 Different Vase Diffuse maps
★10 Color Rose Diffuse map[each one]

☆ 5 Different Rose Packs ☆1 Prim[each one]

★ Super View at Even Minimum Lod ★
★ High Quality High Detail Low Prim

★ Please read carefully;

❤ The product picture you see on the store item page has been designed on computer 3D environment. That is why the item you purchase may show some little differences also depending on your graphic settings. We can always show you the sample of the product. Please do not hesitate to ask.

❤ If you have any product related issues please send us a notecard including the details; payment, purchase date and about the issue that you had so this may fasten our process to turn back to you. We get in touch with you in 3 business days.

❤ We do not have a refund policy. Buying a product means you read all of our explanations.
Contact: yellowcatmiya resident

Thank you for choosing us.
Kind regards.


▶İf you dont like textures, you can create your own maps with ao maps

▶We recommend you to look at the products with ultra mode

❖Super Lod ❖


▶This Product is prohibited to resell as a standalone product or with Full Permission.


▶You can not sell this items with full permissions
▶You can not give away or share this items with full permissions
▶Thank you for your interest

★ Any bad use of the content of this box will be reported to Linden Labs about TOS infringement.
Write unbiased reviews.

★ You can always contact me if there is a problem. I will help right away as soon as I'm online

▶If you need any help feel free to IM YellowCatMiya or send a NC

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 16, 2023 by Tahiti Rae

Really great kit, Yellow! The 60k+ poly versions of the roses aren't workable but one rose is only 8k poly so along with the great LOD and low poly vase, you can make some beautiful items with these when done right!! The options and easy of texturing will let your muse go nuts! Thank you so much, Yellow!

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L$ 699

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Art Studio
Sold by: Miya Harmony

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

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  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 1