Art Studio.FULL PERM \\ Halloween Sugar Bowl Packs
▶100% MESH
▶Full Permission
▶Halloween Sugar Bowl Packs
★Normal maps
★Specular maps
★Diffuse maps
★Shadow maps
★Ao maps
★Roughness maps
★Basecolor maps
☆ Halloween Sugar Bowl Packs ☆ 2 prims[each one]
☆ 3 Different Model Halloween Sugar Bowl&Sweets
▶İf you dont like textures, you can create your own maps with ao maps
▶We recommend you to look at the products with ultra mode
❖Super Lod ❖
▶This Product is prohibited to resell as a standalone product or with Full Permission.
▶You can not sell this items with full permissions
▶You can not give away or share this items with full permissions
▶Thank you for your interest
★ Any bad use of the content of this box will be reported to Linden Labs about TOS infringement.
Write unbiased reviews.
★ You can always contact me if there is a problem. I will help right away as soon as I'm online
▶If you need any help feel free to IM YellowCatMiya or send a NC
great item and good maps
Thank you for great items <3
Attention to detail!
Finest quality mesh, very reasonable prices and great customer service makes this an easy 5 stars!
L$ 249
Unpacking Required
This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.
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- User Licensed