Asian Antique TV & Aquarium
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This build includes an Asian antique style TV cabinet that has been converted into an aquarium. The aquarium contains mesh coral, fish and decor. The cabinet is also a working web browser. This build is partial mesh and contains high quality custom made textures. This build comes in a rezzer for easy set up and aquarium is both modify and copy, making it easy to fit your size and prim needs. You can modify the aquarium, move the individual pieces around or unlink a piece to remove it from the build. Together linked, it is 12 prims. To use the web browser simply click on the TVs power button to rez & de-rez TV screen. Click and hold down the power button for owner only options menu for the TV rezzer. The aquarium background is texture changing. You can choose from an array of kelp forest backgrounds and click on ground for different ground textures, such as pebbles, sand, coral, and lava rocks.
The following items are included:
7 MESH corals, starfish, & sand biscutt - 5 LI linked (C,M)
SCULPTED clam 2 LI (C,M)
SCULPTED sea shell 1 LI (C,M)
SCULPTED Volcano 2 LI (C,M)
MESH Swimming Makropod fish LI 1 (T)
MESH Swimming Herichthys carpintis fish LI 1 (T)
MESH Swimming Scott-fairy-wrasse fish LI 1 (T)
MESHSwimming Nothobranchius rachovii fish MESH LI 1 (T)
SCULPTED Swimming Angel fish LI 4 (T)
Please stop by and see this at our store build at the link below. Special prices available in world.
Thanks for looking!