[STARTER PACK] (Combathud, hiddenblade&bow, 10 grapple unit, 10 arrow unit.)
Assassin Guild - Ultimate assassin roleplay & combat hud.
Have you ever wanted to parkour like assassins? Fight like assassins? Jump off from roofs like assassins? Climb walls like assassins?
Here you go, game inspired rpg system, which allows you to do everything an assassin could.
You can kill your friends, and rob them, earn gold and points.
You can assassinate them fastly, or go against 1v1 melee combat. Up to your style!
( Please turn off your ao, to make sure all animations working well. )
System Attaching:
-AND THIRD THE HIDDENBLADE ( its important because the hud recognizes the hiddenblade , and only let you use the weapon hud if you have it attached )
You start with :
5 Armor
100 Gold
0 Assassin Points
0 Kills
0 Deaths
0 Arrows
0 Grapples
There are three main buttons on the hud, The first is the Fist icon on the left, under the health bar. Its only available if you have hidden blade attached to yourself. The second button is in the middle, its the settings, which is not available at the moment. The third button is for the parkour system, on the right the running person. If you click it it will open up a smaller hud. You have three choice of buttons:
The lowest one is for the wall grabbing. You run to a wall, jump up and click the hand before colliding the wall. To release the grab, press E that will preform a backflip.
The button in the middle is the Hawk fall , You jump up, and click it ( high places recommended for the longest falling ).
The last button is the tumbling, its the highest button on the movement hud. You click it and you will tumble to avoid damage, or just to have fun.
You can double jump by jumping up, and press E or Page Up, twice fastly in the air. It has 5 seconds of cooling down.
Once you kill someone, you can steal his money (if he has money on him), by getting really close and use the steal gesture.
Other gold farming options are doing missions from ncp-s or killing dummies.
If you attached your hiddenblade, you click the fist button, it will bring up the weapon hud.
The red blade button is for fast assassinations, You click it, and have 10 second to reach your target, and collide with him. He has 20% chance to auto dodge it, and he have 1.5 second to dodge it manually by clicking the dodge button, which is the blue, right next to the assassination button.
If he blocks, you both have auto draw the short range weapon.
The white blade button, is for drawing/sheating the hiddenblade. You can attack by drawing the weapon, and clicking somewhere out of your avatar. If you hold down the click, you will attack continously. You can use mouselook for fight too, of course. If your weapon is drawn, you can hold down C and you will block the next three attacks, ( all attacks thats not assassination ) but on the third hit your block breaks, and you cant attack or block again for 1.5 second.
If you die, you will be dead for 30 seconds, and players can steal money from you once in a death ( 20gold ).
When you revive you will have 5 armor again and 100 health.
If you press the arrow icon, you load an arrow, which you can shoot in mouselook. Once you shot the arrow, you can either click it again to shoot another one, or click the blade to draw the blade again.
If you press the grapple its the same as the arrow, it has 3 second flight range, if you click the button, go in mouselook and shoot the grapple, it will move you to the point where your grapple hit object, or player.
You need AMMO for both, you can buy ammo from the entrance for gold or linden. You rezz the box you get and click it, and you will have the ammo you bought. There is no ammo limitation, you can buy as many as you need.
- [AG]Combat System
- [AG]Combat Meter
- [AG]Hiddenblade & bow
- [AG]10 unit of arrows
- [AG]10 unit of grapples
im crazy for assassins creed, and this is everything ive hoped for and more from a hidden blade on sl, absolutely trumps all of the other blades, some do damage, some cosmetic, this one does it all and im glad i bought it
Epic Fun ~
It is an amazing and awesome HUD, lots of unique features and a MUST if you love Assassin's Creed related stuff :3 10/10.
I really enjoy it, even more when we mix it with good RP <3
Thanks Nahai, love it.