Thank you for your interrest into our new Atlantis pack.
This version contains a whole new jumper bay and rescaled for the pleasure of the eye and role-playing.
Content :
-Atlantis Tower & Jumper Bay
-Atlatnis "iris" jumper bay doors
-Alteran sculpted console to control the 2 doors.
Prim count : 458 prims.
Rezzer :
/!\ The rezzer of the tower SHOULD go by itself over the stairs of the gateroom. BUT! because of an error while resetting the beacon script into the stairs on the rez of the gateroom, you'll need to reset by yourself the script. Just edit the stairs, seek for a script called "rezzer_beam.lsl" and open it, just click on "Reset". Now oyu can rez your Tower rezzer withtout problems for positioning. Sorry for the inconvenience.
If you didnt yet placed the gateroom : We recommend you to put the gateroom first to avoid problem placing it inside the tower.
How to use teh rezzer :
1.Click it to get the menu
2.Click on rez
3.Once you're happy with the position, click on FINISH.
Scale :
The jumper bay was design to accept tall avatars like 2.0m and above.
We do not recommend re-scaling it otherwise it could break primitive movements (doors and hand device)
Permissions :
Most of the build is mod permission enabled in case you want for exmaple to change the color or remove some parts.
The scripts are not editable or transferable, as well for the doors.
Graphics :
This build was meant to be seen in Viewer 1 or 2 without over lighting or too much shadows, we hope you'll be satified with it.
We higly recommend to set your LOD Factor to 4.00 on your viewer to see corretly all sculpties in a close range.
How to set your LOD factor :
1. Open your Advenced menu
2. Open the Debug Settings (Ctrl+Alt+Shit+S)
3. Find the parameter "RenderVolumeLODFactor"
4. Set it to 4.0 or more and push Enter
5. Close the small window and walk around to refresh the new setting.
Vk Labs 2011.
See item in Second Life- Atlantis Jumper bay
- Atlantis scaled Tower