G General

Auction Panel for KC or other Breedables - Rentable Version with Remote Control Version 3.04

Auction Panel for KC or other Breedables - Rentable Version with Remote Control

Kaufe im Inworld Laden und spare 10% - Buy in the Inworld store and save 10%

Auction Panel for KittyCatS or other Breedables Auctions
The Textfiled on the Panel is Clickable so you can change the Panel Number
Also the Frames are Clickable with Color Change Menu

All Panels have Picture Frame included for your Ad or Auction Info / Picture / etc.

Rez as many you want and create your own Auction Stage
Every Panel only one Land Impact

You can use the Stage with Torgon's Profiler

Inworld you can see a Demo Stage


Rentable Auction Panels with Remote Control
With the Remote Control you can easy Set Price, Spliptay, etc. with only few clicks...

* Rez your Panels and click them
Set Price
Enter your Panel Price there

Set Splitpay (OPTIONAL)
There you can Enter a Splitpay Partner
In First Line enter the UUID
in the Second Line enter a percent Value amount

As Example:

That means i get 100% of the entries.

If the Splitpay Setting is correct you get a message like this: Splitpay of 100% to Michelle Woodget (Michelle011997) saved.

Reserve a Panel (OPTIONAL)
If you want to Reserve the Panel for a tenant click on Reserve and enter UUID there
Only this tenant can now pay for the Panel
If other Tenant pay this Panel, the Panel give a Refund

Click this Button and the Panel is ready

In this Menu you can change the Floating Text Color for Available, Reserved and Rented States
Please Enter a LSL Color Code. ex: <1,1,1>

Set Moderator
You can add up to 10 Moderators they can manage the Panels
Enter the UUID not the Name

[Options when the Panel is active and paid]

New Tenant
You can enter new Tenant there for next Reservation
Write UUID there or write "non" to set the Panel active for ALL Tenants

Same Tenant
You can reserve the Panel again for the current Tenant
Panel goes in Reserved Mode and Tenant can pay again for the Panel

The Panel goes Offline in Waiting Mode and in Hover you see: Not configured
If you now click the Panel again and Active the Panel is online again with pre Set Price
Or you can now enter New Price you are in the Options Menu

[Options when the Panel is reserved or not Paid]

Set as Paid
Set the Panel to paid Status (as example when you have the panel reserved and the tenant pay you direct then you can use this option)

The Panel goes Offline in Waiting Mode and in Hover you see: Not configured
If you now click the Panel again and Active the Panel is online again with pre Set Price
Or you can now enter New Price you are in the Options Menu

Each Panel only 2LI
Remote Control Monitor only 1LI (Monitor is Copy Only)
Panels are Copy and Mod
Script is Copy Only

See item in Second Life