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Autopsy Table [MESH]

Autopsy Table [MESH]

Full perm mesh autopsy table with cleaning hose (1 prim each). Table has 8 texture faces while hose has 6 texture faces.

By buying this item, you purchase the legal right to use this product to make your own creations within Second Life. You may sell or give away but only as part of your NON-FULLPERM creations. They must not be full perm or copy/transfer permission.
You may not transfer any of my products [sculpt maps or mesh] to any other virtual world, website, or other medium outside of Second Life.

Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Very Nice
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 11, 2015 by BabypeaVonPhoenix Bikergrrl

Very well made, detailed, and a generous price for full perm!

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Absolutely outstanding work!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 05, 2014 by Jolene Merlin

I can't believe I had not reviewed this yet, it must have slipped my mind... but Rhodan made this for me at my request and I have to say his work is absolutely outstanding.

I showed him a picture of what I wanted and he recreated it exact and down to the precise detail! Not only that but he did it with only 2 land impact, and multiple texture faces!

It is absolutely perfect for my needs. I've since loaded it with the AVSit Pose Scripts and a few poses and animations and people love it!

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