Do you want to enjoy the autumn mood?
Romance under the rainy autumn sky?
Take a kiss under an umbrella?
Then this creation for you!
This autumn creation includes:
- Autumn puddle decoration with Solo/couple poses menu.
- Wearable umbrella (open/close) with holding animation 16 changeable textures for fabric and rain effects with sound.
Puddle 3 prim(LI) includes :
Puddle with autumn leaves, animated water drops texture, and rainy cloud above.
Touch the puddle to see the poses menu. There are 13 solo/ 5 romantic couple poses to use with umbrella.
Umbrella (no copy/no modify/ transferable)
How to use the umbrella:
First just wear (add) the umbrella.
You can:
1. open/close your umbrella by touching on the center main part of the umbrella (the spokes of umbrella)
2. Touch umbrella fabric to change textures or size of your umbrella( this two menus will appear in the same time)
3 Touch handle of the umbrella to on/off rain effect and rain sounds.
More information about my products you can find in my blog:
- Cloud with rain effect
- puddle with rain drops animations
- umbrella with changeable textures
- 13 solo/ 5 couple poses