Avatar based on E-Space Dalek!
100% Mesh avatar inspired by the conceptual artworks of Doctor Who fans inspired by the Doctor's Travels in
Exo-Space alternate Universe!
Permission: (Copy)
Tempest Inc. Creations Company will only be offering a small selection range of our product line here on Marketplace, these being a selection of some top selling Tempest products. For our full complete line of products we highly recommend that you consider dropping by our in world stores to shop with us.
We'll only be offering our freebie product bundles for the Time Cars, & Doctor Who items strictly at our in world shops from now on. If you are looking for those, please consider shopping with us in world, Thank you kindly!
* Full quality meshed avatar, with optional shape, & alpha skin. Built in body crusher when attaching avatar automatically!
* Built in menu of unique E-Space Dalek voice clips!
* Eye Scanner Death beam control, with a 360 degree targeting ability from menu!
* Also features movement sounds, walking sound, & "Dalek elevate" hover mode jet sound!
Bonus Item:
* Includes in-depth note-card about the history of the alternate universe of
E-Space from who-lore, & the idea behind the Exo-Space Dalek race!
Price: 350L!
Lifetime customer service, & free updates if any!
Thanks for shopping Tempest Inc. Creations Company!
Disclaimer: Tempest Incorporated Creations Company, it's products, & or actions, are in no way intended to infringe upon any real world copyrights. All products are original designs, any resemblance to real world objects is purely coincidental, and is in no way meant to infringe upon any rights. All Linden Dollar proceeds from sales are used to sustain production, & maintain Shop rental costs.