This item will show you how many scripts and how much script memory is being used by nearby avatars. The information it exposes is great for educating people who aren't aware they could be causing region lag.
This item and its script is fully open source - do what you want with it. Please make something more useful out of it!
This script creates a HUD-style display of possible lag-inducing avatars in the current region. The code is derived from Chalice Yao's script posted here:
I reworked it to extend its functionality, be more readable, and easier to modify. As there is no license associated with the original, I've released this under the MIT license so there are basically no restrictions on what you can do with it.
This script can be used as a HUD or rezzed in-world. When used as a HUD, it will only show others' information and not your own.
- Use as a HUD or rez in-world
- Great for educating people who aren't aware they could be causing region lag
- Color coding with adjustable thresholds
- Open source
script info might be higher
yet good indication about others
Just what I was looking for!
The seller makes it really easy to mod the way you like, every sim should have one of these! its an impersonal pre-regulator!
this si great
it's 10 prims but it is a real good heads up notice