[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie
Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie
ThisHoodiet is only for kemono, not work with your standard avatar
Please use your Kemono Hud
► High quality mesh
►100% smoothly rigged .
► Modify permissions.
► 6 HD Custom color textures
► Tint-able version with color HUD
[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie (Blue) Copy, Modify
[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie (Pink) Copy, Modify
[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie (White) Copy, Modify
[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-gus Kemono Hoodie (Tint-able) Copy
ColorHud Copy, Modify, Transfer
[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie (Yellow) Copy, Modify
[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie (Green) Copy, Modify
[B-unit Hoodie] Rag-mus Kemono Hoodie Copy, Modify
maybe it's just me?
this hoodie is so low-poly? it's jagged all over and basically unwearable. am i doing something wrong here?
Its alright but
Its a good hoodie yeah but there's a female breast shape on it and it may just be my OCD talking about it. Either way good hoodie!