BEAM - LEGIT - Spy Camera (Sim Wide) v1.0 Versión 1.0

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You are a need to know person. You need to know who is on a given sim, and what they are doing. You want to know this, despite how far they might be from your location, and despite where they might be hiding on a given sim. You want to set your camera on them, quickly and in stealth. You want to be undetected. You want to be in control. You want the option of teleporting in to your target location, with a simple click.

Congratulations, now you can.

The LEGIT Spy Camera was created with you in mind. Unlike other trackers, your target need not wear any items for the Spy Camera to work. All of the traditional avatar trackers are limited to a 96m scan range. This substantially limits your ability to track anyone undetected. After all, if you can see them within 96m, they can just as easily see you. The LEGIT Spy Camera allows you to locate an avatar well over 96m, hundreds, even thousands of meters away, up in the sky, or even underwater, or underground limited only by your graphics card, in-world privacy settings and draw distance capabilities.

The LEGIT Spy Camera also allows you to record an avatars coordinates, and teleport in to their precise location if you so desire. Otherwise, you can simply watch from a safe undetectable distance.

How to use:

1. Simply WEAR the LEGIT Spy Camera, and a HUD will appear in the upper right hand corner of your screen.

2. Go to your desired sim where your target is likely to be located. Click the avatar icon on the HUD, and SELECT a target avatar name.

3. Press ESC to lock in your camera position from afar. You are now ZOOMED IN on your target.

4. MOVE your camera controls as desired and press ESC to return back to the locked position.

5. To RETURN the camera back to your location, simply click the AVATAR ICON again and press ESC.

6. To TELEPORT to the target avatar, simply click the AVATAR ICON again and select your target avatar. Their COORDINATES will appear in LOCAL CHAT in a private channel.

7. Enjoy!


This tool is not designed to violate or circumvent the official Terms of Service, and should not be used to harass or annoy other users on the grid. The tool is designed to passively observe the grid and its inhabitants in a manner that is compliant with the existing Community Standards. Please be courteous and use wisdom in the implementation of this unique tool.

Technical Specifications:

Please note, while the LEGIT Spy Cam has a reach substantially further than the standard 96m of other tracking devices on the grid, the reach is limited by the users graphics capabilities and RAM. For optimal results, be sure to set your "Draw Distance" in preferences to the highest setting your machine can handle. Individual results may vary, however with 4GB of RAM, and a draw distance set to maximum, there will be no loss in quality of play. Enjoy!

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  • Quickly locate avatars and ZOOM in to watch them undetected across an entire sim
  • THOUSANDS of meters in range, unlike most trackers which are limited to 96m.
  • Actually CAM IN on your target from long distance and LOCK your camera position.
  • View CLOSE DETAIL from long distances and easily REVERT to locked position.
  • Easily TELEPORT to your camera position via coordinates in private local chat.

Reseñas (XX)

Clasificación media: 4.17 estrellas Distribución
5 estrella:
4 estrella:
3 estrella:
2 estrella:
1 estrella:
rip off

Publicado July 05, 2022 por Tatchi Surtees 1 estrella

Basically zooms on an avatar on the same sim just like the Radar from firestorm, very overpriced and obsolete, when I asked the seller for a refund he told me to f*ck o**

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Important Devise

Publicado June 12, 2020 por Ephraim Mathilde 5 estrellas

Having an 'open' sim means that anyone can visit and explore the environs. This Spy Camera gives me the capability of observing their actions without interfearing with their venture and/or activities. I consider this device to be the best investment I have made in observing and protecting my home.

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BEAM™ Labs
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Vendido por: Monday Beam
Usarlo ahora

Este artículo se te entregará directamente a ti, o bien a un amigo tuyo de Second Life, abierto y listo para utilizar. No se requieren terreno ni un sandbox.

Este objeto contiene objetos que se puede poner tu avatar.

  • 4.17 estrellas 65 Reseñas

  • Permisos:
    Copiar Modificarlo Transferencias Usuario con licencia
  • Reenvío automático
  • Impacto en el terreno: 3