Bento Face and Hands Animation HUD
▼ TRY BEFORE YOU BUY (Link at the bottom of the page) ▼
Please turn off any facial AOs before using or testing the item. If you encounter a deformity, try undeform or reset avatar skeleton before using the product.
(Updated to 3.0 (Oct, 2021) - fixed bugs that caused face to warp on certain heads. Demo in store, please try)
This BENTO item requires Bento viewer and Bento head.
★ ALL NEW BENTO ANIMATIONS (made by Akaesha Designs)
......► Eye animations (click Eyes up and down arrows on HUD)
......► Hand animations include variety of animated and posed hand positions
......► Face animations include variety of animated, animated-looped and posed face expressions
★ Head Type 1 & 2 in Adjust menu. Head Type 1 (Catwa) and Head Type 2 (GA.EG).
★ Easy to use Image HUD with pictures of all animations. Click the animation to play it
★ Eyes can be changed: Open - Half Closed - Closed
★ Fresh, CUSTOM Animations (not bulk, stock or purchased full perm)
★ 24/7 Customer Support
........Bento not looking like the ad
...................~ F. A. Q. ~
The pose might look different due to the difference in shape.
In order to achieve the result shown in the ad, you may need to adjust your shape
............My AO / Pose is stopping the Bento pose
...............................~ F. A. Q. ~
Please select the animation in the HUD after setting up your modeling pose / AO.
If your AO continues to stop the animation, please turn the timer/cycle off if possible.
..............How to Get Help
Help is a touch of a button away, customers service agents can be paged in the store.
If no rep is available, please send an IM to AkaeshaCustomerSupport Resident to leave a message.
▼ ▼ ▼ TRY OUT DEMO (Link at the bottom of the page) ▼ ▼ ▼
See item in Second Life- Animate your face with new bento animations
- Animate both hands or left or right hands individually
- Tested for CATWA and GAEG heads
- Change eyes to create your own style of facial expressions
- Includes Minimize, Maximize and Stop all animations commands
ja sehr gut
für den preis einfach genial
To be fair I did not demo .... tried on Genus
I saw, I thought it might be awesome and the price was right. I have a genus head and I tried adjusting using both head type 1 and 2. I think this is only for Catwa & AG heads though, so to be fair I did not demo and it does not claim to be made for Genus. I think if you're talented in working with shapes, you may however get it to work how you like using the adjustments between option 1 and 2. I played with it and it does work. I think it would look awesome on the heads it's made to use on maybe. Hopefully one for Genus will be made, wink wink ;p
i have to say.. I am very disappointed with this one.): I wish I could be refunded.
Face and hands hud AKAESHA
This product is not overpriced and works perfectly well for my avatar. I am very pleased with the purchase