_BL_ Tintagel Maiden

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Discount medieval-style dress. Laced corset, 2 lengths of skirt, prim and flexi sleeves, flexi ties, fishnet stockings
Available in Red and gold (Tintagel Maiden)

_ the BOTTOM LINE_ is a bargain goods store with over 300 low cost, discounted and free items... builds, furniture, costumes, fantasy apparel, clothing, and accessories... by several different creators.
Why are we so cheap?
Because you shouldn't have to pay a lot for quality stuff.
Because you love a good bargain.
Mostly, because we're tired of these things (many when we were first learning to create) cluttering up our inventories!
Let's be honest, the better it is, the more we'll charge (after all, it's worth it!). But at __the Bottom Line__, you'll always get a bargain, no matter what the item.

Explore all the good stuff, snag some great deals at our Mainstore location at Seabourne (224, 37, 30)

For custom inquiries, please contact Gaelyn Seomun to be put in touch with the appropriate person.

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