Her comes Jian Pets Warrior Wolves - Adult Wolf Version
With 4 Texture Options, these Wolves also include Sound and Floating Text options!
What is Included:
Worn Companion - These fluffy fellows walk along side you when you attach one to your avatar!
Rezzed Wanderer - 28LI - You'll need land for this, and once one is rezzed, they will wander in a radius you choose!
Mount Version! - Wearable Wolf that overrides your AO so you can ride it around town! Or the woods! Or SPACE! We don't judge!
See item in Second Life- Worn MOUNT Version!
- Worn Companion
- Rezzed Wanderer
- Sound and Floating Text Options!
Absolutely beautiful work, however this wolf is very large. It would be great if the wolf that stands next to you could be sized down a bit. Also, since this is a Warrior Wolf it would be nice if it had a growl animation. He looks a little timid to be a warrior wolf.