BOYS TO THE BONE stockholm jacket comes in standard non-fitted rig ONLY(2 female, 2 male sizes), tested with the following bodies: Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Slink Hourglass and Maitreya. IMPORTANT, NOTE: this item will NOT move with your body sliders, if you experience clipping try a bigger size or play around with your shape to fit your fitted clothing under it.
6 single packs are sold as seen on each vendor. Fatpack comes with 9 extra color options and mix'n'match options for sleeves and body. Both single and fatpack comes with a animation hud for the left arm. Materials ready.
Re-delivery available at mainstore in-world and through marketplace re-delivery system. Any other problems, please contact jacquesvalentine resident in-world.
I love all BTTB clothing so much, please make moreee!!!