Unique Exclusive Mesh design from scratch with 3ds / blender software. One in second life. not template from anywhere.
Each pack comes wtih 2 different colours of heels.
Created for models and fashionistas who enjoys contemporary second life fashion design.
You need mesh viewer to enjoy this item.
This is MESH item, please have mesh viewer to use these shoes.
This comes with a shoe hud to adjust skins/ nails.
viewer download:
The official Second Life viewers 2 and 3 and some 3rd party viewers (list of 3rd party viewers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory) are mesh compatible.
*******************************************************First of all, before you changing any colour/ first Make a copy of the shoes and you can get back the shop default easily.
HOW TO change skin colour and input RGB for your shoes:-
RGB input numbers.
1. CLICK the " MIC "icon next to the "power off " icon
EXAMPLES of the skin shop RGB:
R;251, G:248, B:246 natural -glam affair skin
R;216 ,G:189,B: 173 tan- glam affair skin
R;71,G;56,B;43 Dark - glam affair skin
R:204, G;168, B;146 Light- Body Co skin
R :223,G:200,B;187 lara Hurley skin Pale
R:229,G:192,b:173 Belleza skin pale
I am please to help you if you can't match your skin tone. please feel free to im me or leave me a notecard.
HOW to change the nail colour
For nails, Please Touch 2 icon, :
1.The " foot drawing highlighted red at nail part "
2. Touch the Black icon box with 2 arrows"
3. Drag the colour bar from top to middle or bottom to change the colour tone from light to dark
4. pick the colour on the colour chart " square " one .
HOW to resize.
There is a resizer icon , click + 1 , + 5 or - to change your size.
{{ Thank you for your purchase! hope to see you soon.
and your Feed back is welcome. please send me your dream shoes or any feed back on the shoes you purchased.}}
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Babychampagne Sass
{{BSD Design Studio}} CEO/DESIGNER