Course Layouts "Spring Classics 2021"
4 Course and Guides Layouts:
► NC M - Novice Course using 8 Jumps
► OJ M - Open Jumping using 15 Jumps
► FH M - Field Hunting using 10 Jumps
► BC M - Bonus Course using 12 Jumps
for Arena Size: M (80x50m)
Course Layouts by: Candi McCulloch
Guides added by: Adani Mayo
✯ ATTENTION: ================================================
These are course and guides layouts for the BonaSalto Showjumping System.
In order to get a complete course you also need:
1) Course and guides rezzers from the Essential, Starter, or Builder Pack.
2) At least one BonaSalto Jump if you have the Essential Pack only
USAGE: Please refer to the "BonaSalto Showjumping Manual" to understand the concept
and get information on the usage of this modular showjumping system. You find it online on
our web page:
===> https://bonasalto.wordpress.com/bonasalto-showjumping-system/
✯ This set contains 4 course layouts from the Spring Classics 2021 hosted by S.L.E.F.
The Second Life Equestrian Federation holds events and shows often, specializing on
equestrian realism through roleplay, shows & classes. The courses were designed by
Candi McCulloch, for the classics show spring 2021. There is a selection of heights from
Shetland height courses to taller ones, ranging from novice to more advanced. Enjoy.
Guides are included as well for each course.
✯ The "Field Hunting" course features the JumpSet "XCountry" Set 01
and the Jump "Hunter - Water".
✯ All others are based on the JumpSet "Hunter" and the jumps from the builder pack.
✯ The "Open Jumping" also used the Jump "Giraffe".
=> In order to use the original jump set of the event, make sure you have included
all relevant jumps to your course rezzer.
✯ You can also use any other Bona Salto jumps. We provide a mapping for the courses
that allows you to use these jumps.
✯ We have included full instructions for your convenience.