Texture Preloader Script
This script preloads all textures you drop with it in the inventory. No more grey or blurry textures.
Use this for :
* vendors
* landscapes
* buildings
* sculpt textures
* viewers
* primbooks
* interactive picture frames
* ....
Any time, for what ever reason, you need to switch textures, you can use this script. If you want your own textures rezzed at all time, so when you get back to your land and see everything like it is, and not gray or balloons (in case of sculpts, you need this script.
Use the script by dropping it in a prim, or use the default Texture Preloader included in the package. Place the prim on your land, or wear it (in or out of view of others) When you wear it, others will benefit of your Texture Preloader.
Load in AS MANY textures as you want.
!!! Do know : All textures in SL which are seen must load. This script will make sure all textures in the inventory are loaded, at once. So you do need to give them time to load. The script will make sure that textures which aren't yet seen, preload, so when they turn up in your vendor, photo frame or whatever, show at once. Bottom line, give the script some time to do it's work.
Product was made by Jody Palmer - BST Corporation.
Encounter bugs ? Have any suggestions or need more options ? Want something to be custom made, scripted, builded, ....
Contact Jody Palmer of the BST Corporation in order to ask price and possibilities.