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BWC Demi Set - DEMO

BWC Demi Set  - DEMO

დ Demo item.

დ Blazer, Panties, High Heels: Maitreya [+Petite], Larax [+Petite], Genx [Classic & Curvy], Reborn [+Waifu], Perky, Legacy [+Pinup & Bombshell], Kupra [+Addon Natural] .
Hat no rigged.

დ Colour change Hud (colors for this list as shown in the photo above)

დ Visit the Store in the world and check out the Gifts promotions.

დ If you have any problems with your purchase,
please send a notecard to Barbara Qariel.

დ BWC group receive 20% of at store in world

BWC Team.

See item in Second Life