About Bad@zz male hair:
Bad@zz offers you highly detailed short en's hair . The hairs are both shaped and styled to fit an avatar head precisely, because we believe that hair is (apart from shape and skin) the key element in avatar appearance. We spend time on all sides of the hair, since your avatar will be looked at from ALLsides inworld.
Features of Bad@z mens hair
- To add extra detail, and get away from the big-prim-look, we make use of very small custom made sculpted prims to
-To make the hair appear more natural, we do not place all hair parts the same way angle and rotation. This would give it a fake and repetative look. Instead,we mix up sizes, angles and rotations just to add a bit more of a natural hair feeling to it.
- A third thing we keep in mind when building male hairstyles is the direction real hair grows. Did you know the direction of hair varies? To an extend even per person. We keep in mind naturally there is a crown area for example, and hair tends to grow away from that direction.
All these things are taken into account when building men'shair for Bad@zz. This gives them that reconisible look to them. Bad@zz does not try to imitate, but to innovatate.
Modify / Scripted
This Bad@zz male hair style is *both* modify and scriped. Usually the resizer is quicker for resizing, but modifying works better if you might only want to change a prim or two. For those who seek low lag; The script has an option to delete itself. Making another copy before doing so will always give you back the option of a scripted resize
For any questions feel free to contact me inworld
Master Source,
- Includes black hair, blonde hair, brown, cupper and 'unnatural' hair shades
- This men's hair makes use of small sculpts to increase detail
- The male Hair is build with an inconsistancy for a natural look
- This short hair shows hair growth in real directions
- Stylish mens hair that improves your av's appearance
Great Product!
The best hair style i've ever tried. it worths every penny.