Bamboo Fence "size <0.25, 40, 6>"
La La Town ~ Home to La La Baby & Things ~
alpha-channel, resizabel, just perfect...and if not fitting for your probs 1 L$
THXsss very much for your work!!! and your time...great!
Seldom to find such work for less Lindens than 200 or more.
I love this fence!
Great privacy fence for those areas that you dont want people looking over. You can make it bigger or smaller. I made a bath house style of area and needed something to give the area some privacy. This worked perfectly!
Great L$1 fence, works well for privacy between neighbors
A cute fence I use to mark out the back boundary of my land where it runs between my land and other people's land. It's nice basic work that doesn't lag.
looks good
as the comment before you can set faces on 100 % transparency if you don't like one, and if you want to stretch instead of changing the values height and width you can also unlink the two prims, it's a nice fence for only 1 Linden, thanks Gets :)
Far better than the previous review might suggest
I found it was quite easy to edit by typing the desired height, width and thickness, rather than to rely on dragging corners.
Also, I agree that the top layer of leaves does look very odd from some angles, but in edit, I selected just that face and set it to 100% transparent and then it vanishes.
Not great
I can only stretch the length but not the height. The top isnt finished well, theres a green line of leaves floating avout it that the photo doesnt show as its just where the photo finishes . Hmm... . In reality its no stars from me