Bamboo Reiki Table v2
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*Animated Reiki Table, Massage or Energy Healing Table*
Begin your inworld healing business today!
9 menu-driven animations allows the practitioner to move smoothly from head to toe and back again. All positions are adjustable and the table recalls the settings for up to 50 practitioners. Client positions are face-up or face-down and are also adjustable for each Avi.
Designed by a Reiki Master for teaching classes and practicing inworld. Hand positions: eyes, ears, throat, heart chakra, solar plexus, sacral chakra, knees, feet. Practioner can begin and/or end with the Namasté pose. A great way to solidify your long distance work- let the avatar be the proxy!
- Animated Reiki, massage or healing table
- 9 hand positions-smooth menu driven animations
- Animations & positions are adjustable
- Recalls settings for practitioners and clients
- No unsightly pose balls!