G General

Bath Tray

Bath Tray

Dutchie's bath tray is designed to rest over the width of your tub, allowing you to keep all your favorite things within reach as you soak. It's easy to resize so you can make it fit any bathtub.

The bath caddy is color-changeable into 6 metal colors in both PBR materials and as traditional textures. What you see is what you get: if you are in a PBR-enabled viewer, you see the PBR, if not, you see the traditional textures.

It comes with linked bath oil, soap, and a natural sponge and has the land impact of 2 prims altogether.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of our pictures show PBR textures, while others show traditional textures. To see how this design looks in your viewer, please visit Dutchie in-world!

• 6 colors for the metal in traditional and PBR textures
• Land impact of 2 prims
• Mod/copy/no transfer
• 100% original mesh

Come see it inworld at Dutchie!

See item in Second Life
  • Dutchie mesh bath tray is color-changeable into 6 PBR metal colors
  • mesh bath caddy adorned with mesh bath oil, mesh soap, and mesh sponge
  • Low prim bathroom decor is mod/copy/no transfer
  • mesh bath caddy is 100% original mesh by Froukje Hoorenbeek
  • click on the mesh bath tray to change the color of the metal