G General

Beach House

Beach House

House is 45 by 40 meters
total prims with furniture =481
without furniture =353

This house is designed useing a real life lakeside house plan.

Nice seaside beach retreat. Or just a retreat on your land in any setting. The House has wood shingles, and painted wood panels on the sides. Full lenght porch on front and back, with iron wrap around rails. On the inside there is a large living area, with L-shaped stairs leading to the upstairs. In the kitchen there is cabinets , and a stove and fridge that opens. Utility room with washer and dryer, acesses from the back of the kitchen. Master bedroom with master bath to the left, first bedroom on the right.
Upstairs is 2 bedrooms, with a bathroom in each room. Mailbox has an online indicator, that says if you online or not.

House is a 4 bedroom 4 bath house

Working doors, with window tint, and built in security alarm, All acessable from the panel on the inside of the front door. See attached notcard

***NOTE: if you wish to view this and other houses in 3D please click on the SLUrl link above.

***NOTE: i am half blind; as such i have done the best i can with textures. please dont im me telling me that the textures are off. i know they may not be perfect. they are modifiable so you can adjust them if you see fit.

***NOTE: i have made the houses copy no trans so that i can put them in an easy build rezzer for your convience. please do not ask me for a refund since they are no trans i will not issue ANY refunds on no trans items for any reason. ty.

***NOTE: the script im useing for the windows and doors and lights control; you cant modify what show's up on the menu. so there may be some features that are not included with some houses.

Thank you for looking at our products: Amaryllis Designs, Tabitha Zeffirelli and Christopher Fizgig

See item in Second Life