This package includes designs Rah Rehula created for a hunt The Happy Hat participated in.
Each sale at The Happy Hat helps Rah pay for the community college course she teaches on Game Theory and Design Principles (which incorporates Second Life).
It's an August hunt with a beach theme! You just can't go wrong no matter what the Gifts.
For this hunt, a small beach island was created to allow friends to hang out. This companionship is probably the best therapy anyone can ask for.
Two chairs hold sits, while the Inner Tubes can be clicked upon for access to a Float Device. The green Float is more for Men, and the other for the Ladies. Anyone can click to get a tube.
Waves filter in and out from the small island; while some animals find their own therapy.
Of course, there is a hat. When headed to the beach, just a simple cover for the head is good. Something with a slight brim to shade the eyes.
Image taken in Second Life with [TOR] SPECIAL Light Thru Vein Windlight Setting.
Photoshop editing = Stroke, Shadows, and Glows
NOTE: Image taken on SL's waters with [TOR] Eyeballin' Setting.
Hope you enjoy
Relax...Don't be so serious.
Laugh a little.
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I love getting feedback on the products. It helps me to become a better creator and challenges me to bring more to the Second Life well as to my class.
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Be happy ;-)
Rah Rehula
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See item in Second LifeLovely
A sweet little scene. I love the small realistic waves. Would be great as a little island or a feature on a waterfront. Land Impact = 26.