G General

BeachSet Table 1.5

BeachSet Table 1.5

Click the table and see :-)
Prims used: minimum=3, maximum=30

-----< MENU >-----
It will show you a menu with the following options:
Clean - Remove a rezzed set of chairs
Colors - Talks in local chat to you about color selection
Help - gives you this notecard
BeachSet 1 - Rezz one chair and a parasol
BeachSet 2 - Rezz two chairs and a parasol

-----< COLOR SELECTION >-----
About the color selection:
You can select out of 141 different colors.
To do that, just follow the instructions in your local chat.

If you had selected a color for a BeachSet and rezz another BeachSet,
that newly rezzed BeachSet will become the same color.

If there is no avatar within 30 meters:
--- the BeachSet will automatically disappear in 500 seconds.

If there is an avatar nearby and there was a BeachSet rezzed before:
--- the BeachSet will automatically show up within 10 seconds.

-----< CHAIRS >-----
They have various poses in them
You can change when sitting, if you use [left shift] together with [arrow left] or [arrow right]

-----< MOVING >-----
If you move or rotate the table, then a rezzed BeachSet will do the same within 10 seconds.

-----< MORE >-----
If you rezz more tables, that works fine.

-----< QUESTIONS ? >-----
If you have any questions about this product, you know were to find me.
(And sometimes delevery of IM's and notecards get capped, so try again if nessesary.)

Thanks for buying (or trying) this product.
PCoach Lavendel

The price is a bargain, but I want many people to experience a good build.