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Beliria Designs = Rough wood set 1

Beliria Designs = Rough wood set 1

Rough wood textures, in 12 different colours and designs. Perfect for a range of wood requirements, such as tree bark, rural houses, fantasy buildings, furniture, jewellery etc.

Purchasing Beliria Designs Textures (in SL) you agree to the following:-

-To use textures on builds by the purchaser with in Second life(TM) for furniture, jewelery, buildings, clothing etc. Created products can be sold or given away.
-downloading the textures for clothing/Skin creation for use with in Second Life(TM)
-downloading the textures for creating sculpt textures for use by you the purchaser on prim creations to be sold/given away (see Altering section in Not Allowed)

Not Allowed
- Redistributing the textures as Textures
-either on or in prims or in folders, for sale or free.
- in business in box packs
-Downloading the textures to any computer hard-drive then;
- re-upload as your own textures to give away/Sell
- giving them away or selling them else where on the Internet or CD's/DVD's etc.
-Altering the textures in anyway then reselling/giving them away as textures in Second Life (TM) or elsewhere.
-Using Beliria Designs Textures purchased with in Second Life(TM) or via the Marketplace Second Life(TM) on other Grids not Run by the Linden Research Inc.

If you require use of these textures on other grids or for any non Second Life(TM) project/creation please Contact Beliria Lumley - Beliria Designs.

Thank you.

See item in Second Life
  • 12 x 512 Rough wood textures
  • 1 Quick glance sheet