A Ranger (also known as Hunter, Archer, Scout, or Tracker) is an archetype found in many fantasy fiction and role-playing games.
Rangers are usually associated with the wisdom of nature. Rangers tend to be wise, cunning, and perceptive in addition to being skilled woodsmen. Many are skilled in stealth, wilderness survival, beast-mastery, herbalism, and tracking. Archery and (often dual-wielding) swordplay are common to rangers, though there are many instances where rangers use a variety of weapons, skills, and sometimes magic or have a resistance to magic.
The Outfit comes with the following:
Hooded Tunic and Pants, Leather Gloves, & Leather Boots. Fits Legacy Male, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, Slink Male, Adin, Ocacin Gamit, & Fitmesh (for Classic avatars)
Nock Quiver. Copy/Mod, NonRigged mesh. Easy to adjust to any fit. Resizer included.
Pendant Necklace: Unrigged Mesh, Copy/Mod to be adjustable. Themed for a House from the Game of Thrones
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See item in Second Life- Mesh Model
- Multiple Sizes or Adjustable
- Great for Roleplay
- Custom Work Upon Request